When Ursula Jones read an article about zero-waste parties, she thought it would be just the thing for her small daughter’s birthday. “There are a lot of people hiring out reusable party kits in Sydney and Byron Bay,” she said, “but when I tried to find someone in Tasmania, I couldn’t.”
It’s party time for Ursula, who’s really cleaning up

So Ursula decided to do it herself and in November last year set up her own business, Little Bear Eco Party Kit, operating from her home in Howrah.
Her party kits cater for up to 30 guests, and include colourful plastic plates, bowls, cups, cutlery, jugs, platters, a tablecloth, a cake stand and decorations. Hirers collect the kit the day before their party and bring it back the day after, with Ursula doing the washing-up. “It saves an enormous amount of waste,” she said.
“If you were using disposables, you’d be throwing away more than 100 items after a single use. Even compostable plates still have to be manufactured and shipped, so they have a huge environmental footprint. But plastic can be used over and over again.”
Ursula thought the kit would be used exclusively for children’s parties, but her first two bookings were for adults.
So far, feedback has been positive. “People find it a real time-saver having everything in one spot instead of having to go to three or four shops — and they love not having to wash up!” she said.
“If there was one in every local community, it would have such a big impact.”
Community group Clarence Climate Action has chosen Ursula as this month’s Climate Champion for her work in reducing waste. You can find her on Facebook at Little Bear Eco Party Kit.
Eastern Shore Sun, April 2023, page 13