One of the simplest and most impactful actions an individual can take to help the planet is to divest their finances. This means choosing banking, superannuation and insurance options which support ethical and climate safe investments, rather than those that support fossil fuels. Chris Lang of Howrah volunteers his time to educating friends and family about the importance of considering finances in climate action.
Money can be a powerful driver of change

“Growing up in Tasmania has taught me the significance of community and wilderness, and how important it is to keep them healthy. Those who get this, understand the importance in doing what we can to protect and improve our society and environment.”
Chris was shocked to discover many Australian banks lend billions of dollars each year to the fossil fuel industry, and to companies which fund environmentally destructive projects. Chris explains “our choice of bank is something we rarely consider. Many of us are still with the first bank we ever used. Because of this, making a change is very powerful. What kind of world do we want our savings to support in the future?”
When Chris decided to review his finances, his first step was to visit the bank comparison table on the Market Forces website. Chris says ”The bank comparison chart lists most banks in Australia, and whether or not they lend to fossil fuel industries. Sadly the big four banks fail the test, but there is a large list of alternative banks which do the right thing. Market Forces also has great information for selecting insurance. Giving informed feedback when leaving can encourage these companies to make better decisions for everyone.”
Considering superannuation is a more involved task, but Chris says there are also powerful choices to be made there. “Money is such a powerful lever to pull. It speaks when more important reasons are being ignored, and it allows us to have a voice with organisations that may otherwise ignore our concerns.”
A passionate advocate for change, Chris declares “anyone can make a positive climate impact with their everyday finances.” Clarence Climate Action have chosen Chris as this month’s Climate Champion for the positive steps he has taken to support his family and friends in getting their money to work for a better future.
Eastern Shore Sun, February 2023, page X